Our people Tallinna Tartu mnt kauplus Helari Pluss Locksmith in store +372 53 074 732 helari@lukuexpert.ee Varpo Verev Locksmith in store +372 53 074 732 varpo@lukuexpert.ee Alexey Tkach Sales Representative +372 53 074 732 alexey@lukuexpert.ee Magnus Tubro Sales Representative +372 53 074 732 magnus.tubro@lukuexpert.ee Pärnu kauplus Simo Allik Locksmith in store +372 44 78 601 +372 52 69 777 simo@lukuexpert.ee Janek Veskimägi Locksmith in store +372 44 78 601 janekv@lukuexpert.ee Gerd Grigorius Sales consultant-Locksmith +372 44 78 601 +372 53 044 005 gerd@lukuexpert.ee Silver Saar Sales consultant-Locksmith +372 44 78 601 silver@lukuexpert.ee Viljandi kauplus Angela Olev Locksmith in store +372 43 51 155 +372 53 333 050 angela@lukuexpert.ee Timmo Tölp Locksmith in store +372 43 51 155 +372 53 333 050 timmo@lukuexpert.ee Marek Aardevälja Sales consultant-Locksmith +372 43 51 155 +372 53 333 050 marek@lukuexpert.ee Tartu kauplus Kalmer Liivak Locksmith in store +372 53 073 051 kalmer@lukuexpert.ee Kristo Kookla Locksmith in South-Estonia region +372 53 073 051 +372 52 68 662 kristo@lukuexpert.ee Tarmo Laan Locksmith in South-Estonia region +372 5307 3051 +372 5899 9595 tarmo@lukuexpert.ee Hulgimüügiosakond Janek Leppik Wholesale Manager +372 6 410 610 +372 50 91 277 janek@lukuexpert.ee Taisto Kauponen Sales Representative +372 6 410 610 +372 50 18 336 taisto@lukuexpert.ee Paigaldusosakond Meelis Kasemets Locksmith +372 6 410 610 meelis.kasemets@headsolutions.ee Anti Lipstal Locksmith +372 6 410 610 anti@lukuexpert.ee Indrek Roosaar Locksmith +372 6 410 610 indrek.roosaar@headsolutions.ee Uno Rull Locksmith +372 6 410 610 uno@lukuexpert.ee Kaspar Sõelsep Project and Technical Manager +372 6 410 610 +372 52 51 717 kaspar@lukuexpert.ee Ostuosakond ja ladu Raigo Urviste Technical Manager +372 6 410 610 raigo@lukuexpert.ee Siret Vaarik Shipping agent-assistant +372 50 40 052 siret@lukuexpert.ee Meelis Laanemets Purchasing and warehousing manager +372 6 410 610 +372 51 906 320 meelis@lukuexpert.ee Ilmar Koolmeister Senior warehouse specialist +372 50 40 052 ilmar@lukuexpert.ee Büroo Julia Zatvornitskaja Sales and Purchasing Assistant +372 6 410 610 julia@lukuexpert.ee Maarja Otstavel Office assistant / Personnel specialist +372 6 410 610 maarja@lukuexpert.ee Juhtkond Tatjana Sabadyshina Chief Financial Officer +372 6 410 610 tatjana@lukuexpert.ee Riho Ever Chairman of the Board / Sales Manager +372 6 410 610 +372 51 83 800 riho@lukuexpert.ee Nõukogu Jaak Kütt Member of the Supervisory Board +372 6 410 610 info@lukuexpert.ee Veikko Maripuu Member of the Supervisory Board +372 6 410 610 info@lukuexpert.ee Kaido Sõmer Member of the Supervisory Board +372 6 410 610 info@lukuexpert.ee