
Avoid losing keys
How to avoid losing keys?
Anyone can lose a key ‒this always happens in the most unexpected way and at the most inappropriate time.
The key may be found by a good-natured person who does everything in their power to return ...

Card protected keys
How secure are card protected keys?
Card protected keys are considered some of the most secure among modern keys – locksmith are not authorised to cut duplicates of such keys, if the key owner fails to present a unique security card that comes with the key. So, shoul...

How to find a good tenant?
Initially chosen tenants may seem nice and responsible to you. Such opinion may change at the moment the due date of the rental payment has passed but there is no sign of the rent.
Finding the right tenant is a long and complicated pr...

Abloy Super Weather Proof Padlocks
Use ABLOY® SUPER WEATHER PROOF (SWP) padlock, if the object you need to lock up is located in an extremely cold place or exposed to dirt and dust.
This padlock has a hermetic construction. The weather proof cover protects against moist...

Q: I’ve lost my key. How will I get in now?
A: First, find out whether there is another access to get in the house. Maybe it'll be easier to enter through the window or other room? However, please make sure you do not insure yourself. In case you have a weak “Soviet type” lock, the cylinder c...

Lock-Expert recommends Abloy Security Locks
Security Lock ABLOY SL905
- Hook bolt provides greater security against burglary.
- Drill-resistant escutcheon plate and lock case.
- Spare keys are made at Abloy lock factory only on presenting the key security card. Ordering through Ab...

We give you a bottle of lock oil as a present, so you could take care of your locks at home
Security lock is often used as the "second lock".
This additional lock always opens with a key both from the inside and the outside.
This way, a thief who broke into the house through a window cannot escape through the door without unlocking it with a key.
We give you a free bottle of lock...

Door automation
Keep your rooms sterile and move easily from one room to another
Open doors with a touch-free infrared button or use antimicrobial door handles.
A door that opens automatically eases moving from one room to another and maintains sterilit...

Door closer - delayed closing
Do you want to move easily from one room to another without stumbling?
Sometimes it is really troublesome to pass the door that is quickly closed by a door closer.
The most obstructive is the situation when you need to pass the door with a tro...

Mobile door phone system
Open your apartment's front door with your mobile phone -
mobile door phone system
Nowadays we are using mobile phones almost everywhere and it makes our lives easier in many ways. Isn’t that handy to use your mobile phone to op...

Key management
Do you want one key to open all the doors in your house?
We have a great solution - iLOQ S10 – innovative electronic locking system
iLOQ s10 allows you to easily manage keys and get control over access rights. Now you are able to de...