Send your summer-house on secure vacation
Your summer-house spends long winter alone – protect it against bad surprises. In spring, you surely expect to go to the same summer-house you left in autumn.Hide verything appealingThieves are also interested in window-shopping. They pick up a house which has the best choice of valuables. Your option is to hide all the things which may be appealing to burglars. Hopefully they will leave and find another victim (sympathy for the new victim, of course). Thieves should not see anything valuable through the window. Definitely clean your rooms.
Do not forget a shed and other outbuildings. Look over if anything valuable is visible, and hide them if necessary. We suggest you to store everything precious and put under restraint. You can read more about security of the outbuildings.
Your summer-house should look like the owners know exactly what to expect, and they are thoroughly ready for this. Whilst looking at your house, thieves should feel fear and think about the consequences.
Storm shutters for windowsBefore leaving the summer-house, make sure that every window is closed and bared. Really often are windows the weakest links in summer-house security. In winter, it is wise to close the windows with so-called storm shutters. Due to the storm shutters, thieves cannot peek through the windows. In addition, they make entering the building through the window considerably more difficult. For a better security, you should lock the storm shutters with a padlock. In this case, padlock hasps must reach from one shutter to another, and the locking place cannot be between the shutters. Padlock hasps must be connected with latent head bolts, so that they cannot be turned off from the outside.
If you cannot but shutters at the moment, you should get them for next year and install in good time. In the meantime, control over the locking of the windows Window glassGlass is the weakest spot of the window. In case of older windows, it is easy to remove the glass. It is possible to take away a glazing from the outside and remove the glass. To avoid something like that, you should attach the glass strongly with silicone. Window battens should be glued firmly. However, it will not give any protection against breaking the window.
If thieves break the glass, they plan to get access to catches. Here, we recommend using lockable window links. In case they do not match your style or existing locking mechanism, you can turn the windows off with blocking tiles. Thus breaking the glass is useless. Thieves may break the glass, but they cannot open the lock.
Be watchful and look over all the options how thieves could enter your summer-house. For example, take a look in the attic, porch and toilet-window. Put yourself in thieves’ shoes, how would you enter your house, if you do not have keys? Eliminate all possible solutions that come to your mind – thieves could also come up with those ideas.
Take care of your beloved summer-house! |
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