7 tips to keep your home safe while on vacation
You are planning to go on a vacation and do not want uninvited guests in your home? It is important to realize that your vacation days are working days for burglars. We have a few useful tips that you should follow in order to protect your home. Spend your holiday without worries over the safety of your property. |
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1. Additional safety deadbolt lockIf you do not have a safety lock, you should consider acquiring one. Even in a case your current lock is well-positioned, we still recommend you to secure your home with additional safety deadbolt lock. If your lock is not in too good condition, you should simply replace it with a more proper and secure lock.
You don’t have to worry about installation. There are plenty of locksmiths waiting for your call.
2. Does anyone have your keys?Have you or has some of your acquaintances lost a key recently? If this has happened, the cylinder of your lock has to be replaced or rekeyed as soon as possible. Security of the keys is highly important because insurance does not cover burglaries committed with stolen keys.
Make sure that you have a control of your home keys. 3. Neighborhood watchWe recommend you to find someone who looks after your home while you are on vacation. If you have good relations with your neighbors you can negotiate with them to guard your home.
Assets that will not fit into the safe should be marked. You can use UV marker. In case of burglary things which are marked and also their new owner are more likely to be found. Mark your tech items and other valuable property with your postal code and with house or apartment number. Also write down serial codes of your electronic devices. If marking is excluded you should take photos. Manufacturer, hallmark or any other indicator must be seen on the photo.
4. MailboxWhen it is difficult to reach an agreement with your neighbors, then you have the opportunity to direct you mail to any other address. For example, while you are in your summerhouse you can direct your mail to its address. Heading abroad for vacation, you should ask your friends or relatives if they are willing to take your mail. Keep in mind that directing the post may take some time. You should do it at least one week before going on a holiday.
Piled up mail and newspapers can give the burglar the impression that the house owner is away on a vacation. Do not let the facts bear out this impression. We recommend you to order a sticker from the post office with the request “Do not put unaddressed advertising here”. It is also a good idea to stop newspaper delivery while away. You can usually call your newspaper provider and let them know to hold your delivery until a specific date.
5. Put lights on timerYou should buy light switch timers from any hardware or lighting shop and set those up in different rooms. These timers turn your lights on and off automatically according to a programmed schedule. For the best result it is recommended to choose a random program. Then your lights will turn on and off on any random time. 6. Noise and soundsLife is usually associated with noise and sounds. You can also connect a radio with light switch timers. It makes sure that while lights are on the radio will also play some sounds. You also have to make sure that volume is not too low or too loud. Silence is one of the signs that nobody is at home.
Your home may have very high-level security systems, but still some burglars might venture to break into your home. Insurance will cover damages caused by intrusions as well as water or electrical disorders. Insurance is the easiest way to share your risk and diminish damages caused by accidents.
Do not tell about your travel plans openly at Facebook. You will never know who might misuse this information.
If you found any useful tips from here, be sure to use them. Do not leave the welfare of your home to fate.
Keywords: safety deadbolt lock, Deadbolt Security lock, lock, rekeying cylinder, lock rekey, abloy key duplicating, key duplicating by code, Security key card, mailbox, junk mail, home security, door lock, Security safe, safe, cell phone alarm system, wireless alarm system, locking Security, burglary break in