Choose a secure lock for your bicycle
Bicycle continues to be very popular among thieves. A shoddy lock or leaving your bike unlocked makes thieves' life very easy. You should choose a bicycle lock very carefully, in order to find a secure and high quality lock.
A secure bicycle lock cannot be easily open and has an anti-crack feature. However, if you lose your key we can help you open the lock.
The service of opening bicycle locks, as any other similar service, is a sign of our high level of professionalism. During our 20 years of operation, we have opened bicycle locks with different level of security.
People often bring bicycles from Finland, the bicycles being locked and keys lost. But making a duplicate is not always the best solution. Opening of some locks may require a lot of time and the service may end up to be too expensive to the client. For more rare locks we have, however, made new locks. This way the valuable old bike can continue its ride having a proper matching lock on it.
When in trouble bring your locked bicycle to us and we will help you!
Do not bring us stolen bikes, we always inquire client’s data.
Lock-Expert recommends:
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